2018 was a great year for CryptoKitties! First off, we reached over 1 million kitties born in the game and on the blockchain. CryptoKitties to date still has the most amount of DAUs and ETH volume per day. This is the work of our amazing team releasing new features and updates for the game on a weekly basis. I’m most proud of the Kittyverse initiative that we started this year, there are over 50 developers within our community working on tools and games within the CryptoKitties universe. Recently we shipped one of our most important updates to the game the offers feature, using smart contracts you can now engage other players within the game to make an offer to adopt an adorable kitty from their collection. Lastly, one of our most exciting campaigns was working with people from within the blockchain community to highlight some of their work and contributions to this space. Neha Narula from the MIT Media Lab, Sheila Warren from the World Economic Forum, and Jutta Steiner from Parity Technologies all of them are carrying the banner for women working in the blockchain space and we are proud to highlight a diverse group of individuals. Our last gift to end the year will be an amazing list in collaboration with Coindesk. It will feature a few familiar faces that the community will know 🙂

To provide a few clarifications, Kitty Clock the contract that put Gen 0s into the game has official expired this year. Marking the official one year anniversary of the game. This does mean that the marketplace will no longer have new Gen 0s birthed every 15 mins. However, there are still at least a few thousand that have yet to be released. Stay tuned for future events! Gen 0s are a rare commodity and represents the first generation of the game.

– We’ll be releasing games and experiences on top of our API to give you ideas on how it can be used.

– We’re working to put a CryptoKitties’ art onto its token using IPFS. That means your Kitty art will be an indivisible, on-chain part of its token!

– So far, we’ve released only a few of the limited Purrstige traits that we have planned. More of these limited-edition, transforming, recipe-based traits are on the way.

– CryptoKitties is all about extensibility, and there’s no better way to show that off than quality team-ups with other games and influences. You’ll love the purrtnerships we have planned.

– We’ve updated our Terms of Service to clarify that you own the Kitty, you get the art, and you get more rights to use that art that you would from a real-world asset — you can commercialize the Kitty art up to $100,000!

Lastly, we’re excited to announce Dapper Labs our new home for CryptoKitties. We’ve brought onboard the best advisors and investors to help us grow this industry along with the many amazing blockchain games being built in this space.

For 2019, we are planning a lot of new things for the players and for the industry. We hope to continue to expand the Kittyverse by having hackathons in major cities around the world. We will continue or work with Apple, Google, and Amazon to legitimize blockchain games. Expanding the CryptoKitties community into Europe and Asia by starting local chapters. For Dapper Labs, we will continue to build interesting games that pushes the boundaries of the blockchain in the format that is digestible and fun. In general, we believe that 2019 will be a pivotal year for blockchain games and for protocols to pay more attention to the development of consumer adoption and user experience. Collaborations with other blockchain games to help all the existing and upcoming games grow will be a big focus for us, we want to give back to the community and to legitimize this space. We hope to be able to work together in some way.

Never hesitate to connect with me on WeChat (@bvgiang) or Telegram (@bennyg)

Special thanks to: Matias from CryptoWars, Rudy from Mythical Games, Chase and Gabby from Alto, Shirley from DOGI, Sean and Jared from Bitguilds, Jason from NHN Entertainment, Joony from BlockCrafters, Ari from Decentraland, John and Song Fan from Crypto-Oink, Jiho and Trung from Axie Infinity, Paul and Vlad from Creative Mobile, Manon from B2Expand, Sebastian and Arthur from Sandbox, Yat and Yusuf from Animoca Brands, Jon and Chris from BlockchainGamerConnect, Dima from DGD, Erica from KryptoSeoul, Mai from Gracone, Jade from HyperDragons, Sergey from 0xuniverse, Randy and Fazri from Lucid Sight, Obi and Sota from CryptoAge, Naoto from My Crypto Heroes, Junji from Axel Mark, and many other pioneers of this space!!!
