Enjin Announces their Cooperation with FIO

In order to provide users with a better user experience, Enjin has announced they’ve joined the FIO foundation and will be using the FIO protocol. Following this cooperation, Enjin users will find transfers between games and wallets to be more convenient. To celebrate this collaboration, FIO hosted a FIO express token giveaway, which is open to all Enjin users.

For more information, please visit: https://gleam.io/AQwu2/fio-express-giveaway

Fighting Blockchain Game “Glitch Goons” Ends Development

On April 23, game developer Ether Dale announced that they have ceased development of “Glitch Goons”. On Twitter, they stated that the game could not be made profitable. DOGI learned from Ether Dale that they still intend to be active in blockchain game development and will focus on integrating blockchain technology and existing game IPs.

Blockchain Cuties to Collaborate with HitBTC

On April 24, Blockchain Cuties announced they will collaborate with HitBTC, allowing players to freely trade in-game CUTE tokens. Now, players can use tokens to exchange for in-game items or sell CUTE tokens for profit. 

Official Website: https://blockchaincuties.com/

Unitopia Receives $5 Million USD in Strategic Investment and Plans to Build a Blockchain Version for Steam

Unitopia, the blockchain game platform for Electric Soul, said it has received a total of $5 million in strategic investments from a number of institutions, including Shuimu Fenghua Fund, Linked Capital, and JunHe Capital, to build a blockchain version for Steam. After this round of financing, the company has said that it will strengthen the research and development of blockchain games and market construction, and promote the development of the blockchain game ecology

CGC, the World’s Largest Blockchain Game Show, was Held on April 25

On April 25 – 26, the third edition of CGC (Crypto Games Conference) was held in Minsk, the capital of Belarus. Notable figures from COCOSBCX, PO8 and FORT NFT Protocol, Blockchain Cuties, HOSHO, Blockchaingamer.biz, Atari, NEO and Reality Clash took the stage to share data and insights about blockchain games.

CGC is the world’s first large-scale exhibition focused on blockchain and cryptocurrency-related games and services. The event focused on a variety of game types over different platforms as well as services related to blockchain games, such as e-wallets, trading methods, and gaming platforms. Details of the event can be found on the official website https://cryptogames.events/

WAX Announces New Project: New Tokens that Offer Returns Over 3 Years

On April 26, WAX introduced their Genesis Block Member project and new Genesis Token on Medium. Existing token holders will have their ERC-20 WAX tokens converted directly to the new WAX protocol tokens. The new tokens gradually generate an additional token per token owned over the course of 3 years.

WAX Official Website: www.wax.io

CryptantCrab Announces All-New Battle Mode and Lands on Mobile Devices

The developers of CryptantCrab recently announced an all-new mode where players can battle with their existing customized and Xenografted crabs. Each arena event has a prize pool of 5 Ethereum that players can join. Additionally, the CryptantCrab team has teamed with Lumi Wallet and Infinito, meaning that players will be able to play on mobile platforms soon.

CyptantCrab Official Website: https://www.cryptantcrab.io/

Dapper Labs Releases Smart Contract Wallet Dapper

Dapper Labs, the blockchain game developer of CryptoKitties, recently announced its smart contract wallet Dapper. Users can use Dapper to store digital assets through smart contracts. If a user loses their device, they can use the Rescue Kit to retrieve their assets through a Key, email, and password. The wallet is very easy to use. Currently, Dapper only has a Chrome version, but will be available on Android and iOS in the future. Those interested in trying the new wallet can apply on the official website.

Official Website: https://www.meetdapper.com/

IOST Releases OnBlock

On April 28 at 2PM (GMT+8), Team Oasis released OnBlock, a DApp that allows users to experience the IOST Ecoystem using their mobile phones, anytime anywhere. Even users who are completely new to blockchain technology can easily use it as it only requires a mobile phone number to register an account.

OnBlock Official Website: https://onblock.me/

NeoFish Begins Gift and Airdrop Events

NeoFish is a collection-based game based on the NEO ecosystem. When the game goes live, developers will release limited-edition fish and fish tanks through pre-sale packages and auctions. Players can breed fish with advanced colors and greater computing power, and profit from the game’s built-in mining and fish ticket system.

At present, the game has a 4000 NEO mining pool, and is hosting the first breeding contest which sees players competing for over 1000 NEO. In addition, there are lottery and airdrop activities for players to participate in. For details, please check the game’s public account: NeoFish.

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