Enjin Wallet Now Supports Binance Chain

On May 2, Enjin published a blog post saying that the recent update to Enjin wallet has added support for Binance Chain and will soon integrate Binance DEX.

Binance Chain is a public chain released this year by established domestic exchange Binance, and DEX is the decentralized exchange platform on Binance Chain. As a result of the cooperation between the two parties, Enjin wallet users can easily query, execute, and track Binance Chain transactions through the wallet.

Last Trip Exhibits at IEEE INFOCOM 2019

Blockchain games “Last Trip” and “Adam’s Adventures” were exhibited at the IEEE INFOCOM 2019 Demo Session. These projects were completed through a collaboration between MatrixDapp CEO Wu Xiao and Cai Wei, Professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen for the Game and Interactive Multimedia Lab.

The project demonstrates the possibilities in future blockchain game development with itscharacter sharing framework. What makes the game unique is that characters from different blockchains and even different games can fight together through theframework. This demonstration was also the first exhibition of a Chinese blockchain game application at a top computer conference.

Battle Races Enters the Loom Network

More and more developers are using sidechain technology in their games, and “Battle Racers” is no exception. On May 2, Loom revealed that “Battle Racers”has connected to the Loom SDKand officially joined the Loom Network.

Battle Racers is a racing game with VR elements. Because the game is competitive in nature, it is especially important to use the side chain to improve processing speed. This cooperation is expected to have positive impacts on the game’s pre-sale, which opens on May 15.

The First High-Profile Unreal Engine 4 Release, “The Isolated City”, Appears in Beijing

ThunderRobot’s 5th Anniversary and New Product Launch Conference was officially held at the RNG E-sports Center in Beijing on April 23. The highly anticipated Unreal 4 independent masterpiece “The Isolated City” and its VR version also appeared at the venue.

“The Isolated City” is a zombie themed third-person game with action, adventure, and puzzle elements. It is developed by a Chinese indie team consisting of six people. The game will be exclusively distributed on the Parity chain. From the cooperation of Parity and Ontology, the game will have blockchain gameplay andaccount splitting. The items in the game will take the form of Ontology OEP-8 assets.

“Zombie Battleground” Changes its Name to “Relentless” and Releases the Latest Version

Loom Network card game“Zombie Battleground” has been officially renamed “Relentless”. Additionally, a new version of the game was released on April 30to adjust the balance of thegame and rules. According to the development team, the changes are designed to allow new players to get started faster and improve the tempo.

In addition, the event to determine the Chinese name of the game concluded on May 6 and should be announced to players soon.

Crypto Sword and Magic is Now on EOS

The turn-based RPG game Crypto Sword and Magic is now available on EOS. In the game, players can choose from three classes: archers, warrior orsorceress. Develop your own style with the unique skill trees.

What sets this game apart is that players can set their characters as mercenaries and lend them to other players to help them fight. When the player is not online, the mercenary can participate in other player’s battles and receive rewards according to their contributions.

More details of the game can be found on the official website:https://cryptoswordandmagic.com/

“CryptoKitties” Developer Announces New Project “Cheeze Wizards”

The “CryptoKitties” development team recently released a cryptic website indicating that their new game, “Cheeze Wizards”, may be coming soon.

Currently, the website has very little content. The background plays an old, cheese-related video and the word “from the makers of CryptoKitties” appears on the upper right. The single button on the page allows interested players to fill in their e-mail and apply for early access.

Website Link: https://www.cheezewizards.com/

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